Internet Stone Age
(3x3x3 meters installation: paper, fur, candles)
Internet Stone Age installation is a monument to the look of the early Internet and industrial urbanism in one. It treats the main web fonts as cave engravings, uses Photoshop as a construction tool and plays with the environment mixing real architecture of the space with print-outs of computer games textures, real animal fur and false perspective.

For the first time in the history of human civilization more than half of world population lives in the cities: urban space becomes the main and default form of human (co)existance.
The first generation born into the wired and wireless environment of digital technologies is coming of age, the digital natives. They are a new tribe, scattered around the globe, united by their new media literacy.
The early image of Internet as a Plato cave-like virtual reality, originated in the concrete caves of Industrial age architecture, is abandoned for the new vision of networked complexity aka Digital Native Urbanism.
Times New Roman, Arial and Comic Sans MS, the iconic fonts of the Internet stone age, carry the spirit and meanings of the obsolete reality.
September 2009, Utopian Grids exhibition at de Verdieping, Amsterdam |